Braces In Tulsa
By Wyatt Orthodontics

Are you worried about your crooked smile? Do you want straighter teeth, but can’t decide which is the best option for you? We’re here to help you decide. Most of the time, price is an important factor that determines, which dental treatment is the one for you. When selecting an orthodontist, you need to make sure that the dental office provides you with budget-friendly options and won’t compromise the quality of their service.

If you are worried about the cost of Invisalign and braces, you could always call the dental office to enquire about the prices or check out the website. Different factors will determine the price of your braces, for instance, the location, distance, the type of braces, etc. The best orthodontist in Tulsa, OK, will have good and easy pricing.

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces use metal brackets and wire to realign your teeth over months or years. They are the most affordable options when it comes to orthodontic treatment. The price usually ranges from $4000 to $7000.

Clear Braces

Clear Braces resemble standard metal braces, but the brackets are clear or tooth-colored to make them less noticeable. If you have severe dental issues that cannot be corrected with Invisalign, but you still want a clear option, you can opt for clear braces. They are slightly more expensive than the traditional metal braces. The price for clear braces ranges from $4000 to $8,500.

Invisalign Tulsa

Invisalign treatment includes clear aligners that are made of BPA-free plastic, and completely invisible. Invisalign treatment from Tulsa, OK, will help you achieve the smile of your dreams.
If you are considering getting Invisalign you need to make sure you go to a good Invisalign provider which is distinguished by different levels ranging from bronze to diamond Plus. To ensure you get the best treatment, select an Invisalign provider who is gold and above levels.
The Orthodontist will take a mold of your bite and create the perfect pair of Invisalign trays that will fit you perfectly and shift your teeth into the correct alignment. They are also removable, which means you won’t face any issues while eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth.

Invisalign treatment can cost more than metal braces from $3,000 to $7,000. However, a good Orthodontist in Tulsa, OK, will provide you with a variety of offers and treatment plans, which may end up similar to the cost of metal braces.

The Best Pricing For Orthodontic Treatment In Tulsa, OK

If you long for the perfect smile, without breaking your bank, contact us today! At Wyatt Orthodontics, we offer discounts and flexible payment options, so you can now achieve the smile of your dreams by getting your dental treatment with the best orthodontist in Tulsa, OK, at affordable prices.

  • No down-payments
  • In-House Financing with 0% interest
  • 10% discount for payment in full
  • Lower monthly payments

Our experts provide the best treatments, for instance, Dr. Wyatt is a platinum Invisalign provider, therefore, you can be sure to receive the best treatment for your dental issue. Our treatments include X-rays, 3D Scans, braces, all appointments, and retainers, which can be further discounted based on the terms and conditions. We even offer monthly payments, even if you don’t have insurance. Book a free consultation with the best orthodontist in Tulsa, OK.