Do you want to achieve straighter teeth? The best and most effective way to straighten your teeth is with braces in Claremore. Very often, people aren’t aware of the process of braces and think it is complex, but in reality, it is simple if you choose the right orthodontist. Following is everything you need to know before getting braces.

Why You Need Braces And What Does The Procedure Involve?

Dental braces are used by orthodontists to treat or correct a variety of orthodontic issues. One of their most common issues is the correction of malocclusion, i.e., crooked teeth or a bad bite. Many people get braces while they are teenagers; however, there’s no age limit when it comes to getting a straight smile. Braces fix various orthodontic problems; a few are as follows:

  • Overbite.
  • Underbite.
  • Open bite.
  • Gapped teeth.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Speech Impediment due to Orthodontic issues.
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth.
  • Crowded teeth.

The procedure for braces is simple, the following are a few stages you will go through during your orthodontic treatment.

Consultation And Examination With An Orthodontist

The initial consultation is the most essential part to discuss the orthodontic issue, the best way to treat it, the budget, the duration of the treatment, etc. The dental professional will first perform a thorough oral examination to determine the issue, understand the depth of the problem, and what needs to be corrected. The orthodontist will provide different choices in braces that will match your smile and inform you of the duration and cost of the treatment. Once the choice is made the orthodontist will move on to the next stage, i.e., attaching the braces.

Getting Your Braces In Place

Once it is determined that braces are the perfect choice for you, the brackets will be attached to your teeth using special dental cement. The wire will then be placed on the brackets, and it will be shaped in a particular way to ensure your teeth move in the correct direction.

If you suffer from bite issues, rubber bands will be used to add more pressure on certain areas of the jaw or teeth. Braces require adjustments and tightening to ensure your treatment is effective. There should be constant pressure on the teeth to let the teeth move; therefore, you need to adhere to an adjustment schedule.

If you suffer from bite issues, rubber bands will be used to add more pressure on certain areas of the jaw or teeth. Braces require adjustments and tightening to ensure your treatment is effective. There should be constant pressure on the teeth to let the teeth move; therefore, you need to adhere to an adjustment schedule.

Maintenance And Aftercare

You should take care of your braces to ensure you don’t face any orthodontic emergencies that may lengthen the duration of your treatment. A good orthodontist will provide you with proper instructions, tips, and tricks to make the most of your braces. You can follow the below-mentioned steps to ensure you have a successful orthodontic treatment.

  • It is important to brush your teeth, gums, braces, and wires thoroughly twice every day.
  • Poor oral hygiene can cause puffy, bleeding gums and also cause cavities or permanent staining. You can always take the help of the orthodontist and learn the correct way to brush your teeth with braces.
  • With metal braces, you should avoid hard food like popcorn, ice, boiled sweets, hard crusts, etc. These foods can break the brackets or loosen them.
  • If you want to consume foods like meats, apples, carrots, etc., Cut them into small pieces.

Learning All About Braces Is Essential To A Successful Treatment

We hope this blog helps you understand the process of braces and the best way to straighten your teeth. Moreover, you can always talk to an orthodontist who will help you understand the process of braces in much more detail. Proper research and visiting the right dental office in Claremore will help you achieve the best results and ensure you achieve a smile that will last for years to come.

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